While waiting his coming, I was too tired and decided to take a short nap...
Mana tau....overslept dy.....woke up when received his msg...lolz...
havent make up~havent choose attire.....so rush! ><
So scare that will let him wait down there for long time......
but luckily,still can make it on time~ =)
And then and then,v went to 1U for dinner + movie~
When we reached thr,both of us ady suffering of hunger.....
But,we still need to buy the movie tickets 1st.....
so we tahan 1st n heading to GSC cinema....
and we decided to watch RANGO~
After bought tickets, v decided to took our dinner at Zanmai.....
but when we reach thr,many ppl waiting at outside.... ==
So....we tahan once again.....change to Sakae Sushi....
I really so addicted Ebikko sushi~ and same as him...
we order so many dishes~ yummy yummy!
and our stomach so full tim~XD
After fill jor our stomach,the movie time!!!! ^^
Funny scene~make me laugh non-stop XD
At first, i think that the little lizard~(later names Rango) was so lame....
But,after it go to the small town and stay at thr....
Rango slowly change it's attitude and b'cum man jor~
I like it~ ^^
Conclusion,the Rango movie not bad at all....didn't regret to choose this movie!
At here,want to thx Andy aka YM aka Ciwawa aka Bii to accompany me~
I really had a lot of fun and enjoy the night~
TQ so muchier Ciwawa aka Bii! =)